Vallaura's Blog

"Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted."

Archive for April 2012

Ten Words, Two Stones, Three Truths

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“Run, John, run the law commands,
But gives me neither feet nor hands;
Far better news the gospel brings:
It bids me fly; it gives me wings.”

I was late today. And it was raining. I felt so cold. But one thing for sure, I should not be not on the best seat for my favorite speaker. I understood that there was nothing in this life that will last forever, not even a good preacher. So, I intended to make every minutes counted. So, I boldly moved to the front seat sitting there alone and cold.  Thank goodness, as the sermon was delivered, a group of New Zealanders sat on my row. Now, that will help to ease this coldness. I can be more relaxed in enjoying today. It was all about the ten commandments.

As every good Bible teacher would do, he expectedly open his preach with something catchy. Well, he opened the sermon with a song, kiddy song, the ten commandments. It was a warm breeze to this cold sanctuary, where we can witness the sincerity of children singing for God. And I learnt it as quickly as I could. 

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The capital letter b

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for boring. or bored. or boredom.

Lately I feel bored with my life. Not that I don’t want to live anymore, but there must be something wrong with my life and I have to do something about it. I don’t know what. My life is okay. I am just one of those so called underpaid white collar worker, teacher. I wake up early in the morning, get my breakfast ready, teach from 7-3, hit the gym, do my laundry, stretch my legs, play my ipad, view some TV shows and sleep. On fridays I go to my Father’s home, stay there for the weekend or go out to meet some gangs, go to church on Sunday and get ready for the coming week. I have been doing this for the past 2 years. Before that I was a bit respected as a principal, where when I was bored, I can take a leave and go for short vacation. Teachers don’t have that privileges.

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Written by Vallaura

April 29, 2012 at 9:27 PM

look around

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Written by Vallaura

April 8, 2012 at 12:00 AM

down the via dolorosa, my God…

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Written by Vallaura

April 6, 2012 at 10:02 PM


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“Listen to me! Please! Please! Listen to me! You don’t understand! You have to let me go! I don’t understand, why my father died! Why I’m alone! This is my only chance, to work. You should understand!”

126 minutes movie, and 15 seconds scene sum it up. That was it. That was the moment when you held you breath and sank into a truth that a good movie delivered. A moment where I can identify myself with the character. A moment  where I blended in. Indeed, what Hugo just said was something that we all wanted to shout out. That I wanted to shout out. I really do not understand. I don’t understand why my mum died. I don’t understand why I am alone. And so many “I don’t understand” that I want to shout out. Unfortunately, I am not sure whether I understand how I should “work”. I cannot confidently continue my “I don’t understand” sentences with Hugo’s “This is my only chance to work.” And that brings me a deep sigh. Those are questions answered only through death.

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Written by Vallaura

April 6, 2012 at 8:28 PM

There is hope

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even in the most least expected places.

if you are someone who keeps updating yourself with news, you must have known that in my country, Indonesia, there has been massive riots concerning to the plan to increase the fuel price. Actually the demonstrations had been starting since last Monday. But then it got escalated to Friday, the peak, where our parliement were having some adhering to decide this issue.

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Written by Vallaura

April 1, 2012 at 10:04 PM