Vallaura's Blog

"Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted."

Warm welcome from me

with 5 comments


Thank you for visiting my blog and for reading some of my writings. I really appreciate it. To be honest, at first, I did not expect people reading it. This blog was more like my personal diary than a piece of writing work. What at first just my chalkboard had became a reading material, cool!

If you had visited this page before, you must have recognized that this page had been changed entirely. As I grew in age, I also grew in wisdom. I guessed, some things were really should be put under the rug.

So, I hope you can enjoy one or two of my works.

Again, thank you! 🙂


Written by Vallaura

February 24, 2010 at 2:55 AM

5 Responses

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  1. As I was skimming through your posts, I am truly blessed and inspired to have met someone like you who mirrors my love for writing but who is a hundred more steps away from me by actually creating her blog and posting them on the net.

    I have always had this insecurity of having people read my mind and opening up myself to a greater public. I was a writer for my school paper in secondary and in university but my articles were mostly constrained to school activities and not so much on my views of the world or my silly thoughts. It was anything BUT personal.

    Thank you Ms. Lenti for allowing people (like me) to have a glimpse of who you are and what you think and for sharing your love for the Lord to us flailing fledglings.

    May God bless you more.



    October 13, 2010 at 1:22 AM

    • just a glimpse of my life… hope it can be a blessing for others. Thanks for stopping by 🙂



      October 15, 2010 at 9:13 AM

  2. helow there… pake bahasa aja ya.. Salam kenal..Aku Ida, blogger dan SITORUS juga! 🙂 karena kita seumuran (berdasarkan umur dari tulisan di atas) aku pakai kamu-aku gpp yahh..:) Well, aku lupa darimana asalnya kok namamu ada di list contact email… Mencoba ingat2,,kayaknya waktu duluuuuuuuu jamannya Friendster deh. Kita pernah chat tapi gak intens karena emang belom saling kenal sebelumnya (kalo aku gak salah inget lagi.. hehehheheh). Gak tau juga kok waktu itu bisa temenan di FS. Hahahaha… Tapi siang ini lihat ada link WordPress di samping iconmu aku jadi tertarik dan mampirlah aku di sini… Sempet kirain salah orang tapi ternyata bener kok, karena aku masih ingat wajahnya, hehehhehe… walo cuma lewat PP alias Profil Picture..
    Menyenangkan baca tulisanmu..:) dengan kemampuan Inggrisku yg pas2an, masih mampulah aku mencernanya.. hehehehhe… Emang bener banget, nulis itu seperti kita kalo bicara tanpa adanya interupsi dari siapapun. Yeay!
    Dan tentang MIMPI…. hm…. tebak apa judul blogku…. Kok kita sehati sih???? Hahaha…
    Ditunggu tulisan2 berikutnya ya.. Tetaplah menulis dan jadi berkat… Blessed to be a blessing, sist! 🙂



    July 22, 2011 at 1:24 PM

    • Hi!! 🙂 Wah… senangnya bisa diingat…hehe… makasih udah mau spend some time baca blogku. semoga cukup menghibur waktu senggangmu. GBU2



      July 22, 2011 at 6:46 PM

      • yep! bakal mampir2 kok.. 🙂



        July 23, 2011 at 10:33 AM

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